Wishing everyone Good Health and
Great Business Growth for 2017
At AML Southern Ltd, we pride ourselves in looking after our employees. If our employees are appreciated, engaged, productive and thriving, and are happy in their work place, then they will want to do their best in providing the best level of service quality and customer service to our clients.
Ongoing professional development is high on our priority. Our Operations and Marketing Manager is presently engaging in an APM PMQ Project Management Qualification to work alongside our highly experienced key staff.
Have you experience with the APM PMQ Project Management Accreditation. We would love to hear your success stories and how it has made a difference to you and your business growth.
We are also interested in feedback as to what is high on your agenda in terms of key skills that you look for when considering collaboration with companies offering quantity surveying and project management services. Please contact us though this LINKor Email: info@amlsouthernltd.com
University Technical College (UTC) in Wolverhampton, designed by Associate ArchitectsHow is BIM working for you?
Construction Manager is once again looking for feedback on BIM uptake within the industry. Their annual BIM survey is now open online and they’d like to hear your views and experiences on how the new technology, mandated in April 2016 for all central government-procured projects, is impacting working practices.
Click on HERE to see the rest if the article and to link to the online survey.
Commercial support
Additional resources for an existing commercial department or an entire commercial team for a new enterprise, working as an integral part of your own organisation.
Material scheduling
Free up your own surveyors and buyers using our experience of creating schedules of materials for all levels of project.
We can deliver estimates based on our own measurements or pre-prepared bills of quantity, formulate precise and reliable bids, and ensure your tenders are competitive within the industry.
Health & safety and CDM
We can help your project remain safe by supporting you on your health & safety plans, risk assessments & compliance with the CDM regs.