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Child Action Lanka

Child Action Lanka

CHILD ACTION LANKA This charitable organisation is one that is particularly in the heart of our Director, Tony. Tony recently visited them in Kandy on his latest trip to Sri Lanka and is looking into ways in which he can provide future help or support in the future....
10 Hotels Made With Weird Things

10 Hotels Made With Weird Things

A snippet from the article…. “Karl Lagerfeld has designed a hotel made entirely of chocolate. This eccentric designer has created “The Magnum Chocolate Hotel Suite” to celebrate the launch of Magnum Ecuador and Ghana ice creams, which are made...
Modular homes can have design integrity

Modular homes can have design integrity

Phil Bevan, AWW writes: The biggest stumbling blocks that are holding back the delivery of new inner-city housing are the availability of sites at realistic prices, lack of funding to enable developers to build, and the large deposits required by first time buyers....

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